What does it mean to be a 弗朗西斯can school?
大主教柯利高中是巴尔的摩市和马里兰州唯一一所全男生的方济各会高中. This means that we are shaped by the example of St. 弗朗西斯 of Assisi. Commonly known for his ministry to the poor and his love of nature, St. 方济各试图使耶稣基督的经历在他所遇到的人的生活中成为现实. 在柯利担任牧师的方济各会修士和与他们一起工作的男男女女都努力灌输圣. 弗朗西斯.
What is Curley looking for in an applicant?
大主教柯利寻找一个正在实现他的学术潜力的年轻人, has an interest in participating in our co-curricular program, 对十大正规彩票平台高中的丰富传统深表敬意, 致力于为“柯利家族”的文化做出积极贡献,并努力成为一个伟大的人.
What is the cost of tuition and is financial aid available?
Tuition for the 2022-23 school year is $17,080. 每个家庭都有机会申请经济援助,柯利努力为有需要的家庭提供援助. Last year alone we distributed more than $1 million in aid. 申请经济援助的家庭必须通过FACTS完成经济援助申请. 所有申请柯利的学生都有资格获得所有基于成绩的学术奖学金, endowed scholarships, general grants, athletic grants and instrumental music scholarships.
What does the typical academic schedule look like for a freshman student?
典型的大一课程包括六门全学分和两门半学分的课程. 的 core curriculum for freshmen consists of courses in 的ology, 英语, Social Studies, Foreign Language, Math and Science. Curley operates on a six-day cycle schedule with rotating class periods. Freshmen have two study hall periods built into the six-day cycle.
What is the average class size?
的 average class size at Curley is 21 students.
How are academics at Curley structured?
十大正规彩票平台的 philosophy of 21st century active learning 认识到教学必须以学生为中心,因为讲课的日子已经过去了. Education today is collaborative, with students learning to work together on projects, in finding answers, in seeking workable solutions. Active learning is employed by notable universities across the country. 柯利继续着希望学生找到成功和幸福的传统目标, but also to be prepared to be lifelong learners, true contributors to the common good of society. 作为一个 1-1 iPad school the Curley student has the world’s knowledge in his hands, 与他人一起学习如何有效地获取知识并负责任地使用知识.
Moreover, A Curley education is in the 弗朗西斯can tradition, a tradition that began in the universities of 13th century Europe. 的 goals of a 弗朗西斯can education are three-fold: to convey information, as a basis of all learning; to offer formation, for the best-lived life of each individual; and to encourage transformation, the spiritual growth of a person in relation to his God.
Curley offers 3 college prep pathways.
的 Honors College Prep Pathway 是为了挑战那些极具天赋和上进心的学生去学习AP和荣誉课程而设计的吗, the dual-enrollment courses, 以及个性化的关注,以发展他的天赋,并知道如何使用它们. For an elite group of students, the St. Bonaventure Scholars 挑战超越标准的荣誉标准,参与他们的个人学术小组,导致一个顶点项目. Special programs throughout the four years give a breadth, and a challenge, to their learning that goes well beyond the classroom.
十大正规彩票平台的 General College Prep Pathway 侧重于在现代世界取得成功所需的21世纪技能. 教师会定期对学生的安置情况进行评估,以确保提供具有挑战性和适当的课程. In addition to preparing students for college, the College 咨询 Program works with students and parents, beginning in the freshman year, to find the best college for each young man, and for that young man to reach his goals.
的 Anthony College Prep Pathway 一个多层面的大学预备课程是专门为那些由于学术挑战而需要适应性学习的不同背景的年轻人设计的吗, a diagnosed learning difference, or socio-economic challenges.
How do families schedule a visit?
修士一日游是体验柯利所提供的一切的最佳方式. 通过创建一个帐户和注册一个方便的时间使用正规的玩彩平台的互动日历安排一个修士一天的访问.
Does Curley accept transfer students?
大主教柯利接受转学生在其大二和大三班入学. Curley将只接受特殊情况下的高级调任,并将以个人为基础审查这些申请. 预计转学生将在学年开始时开始他们在柯利的任期, 但在某些情况下,学校将允许学生在第一季度末或年中转学.
What is the student dress code?
的 student dress code at Curley consists of dress or khaki pants, a solid-colored dress shirt, 礼服鞋, 领带、领结. A sport coat is required from October through April.
Does Curley provide College 咨询 services?
大主教柯利设有两个全职大学辅导员,并为所有学生提供全面的大学咨询服务. 平均, 98% of our graduates continue on to college, and last year the Class of 2022 received more $14.从12个州的132所四年制学院和大学获得了300万美元的优秀奖学金. 近年来,柯利的毕业生已被包括布朗大学在内的一些全国最好的大学录取, 克莱姆森, 亚利桑那州立大学, 西点军校, 哥伦比亚, 巴黎圣母院, 威克森林, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, 马里兰, 豪斯, 维吉尼亚州, 霍华德, Johns Hopkins and many others. Curley men have tremendous opportunities upon graduation.
What kinds of activities can my son participate in after school?
大主教库里提供了一个全面的田径项目,有14个运动项目的28个团队, an award-winning fine arts program and a multitude of clubs, intramural sports, and students organizations. 鼓励学生参加多种课外活动,融入学校生活.
十大正规彩票平台提供15门大学先修课程(AP)和大学水平课程. 在2022年,柯利学生通过AP和双招生项目获得了297个大学学分.